Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
153 lines
' ! This is a Visual Basic BAS-file ! '
' ******************************************************* '
' * This module contains a function which will help * '
' * to avoid GPFs or other unkind events in * '
' * VB development environment. * '
' ******************************************************* '
' '
' As long as you are designing your code, add this new '
' function 'IsVBenviron' to your project. '
' Every event you want to 'switch off' while you are '
' still testing your code will be successfully '
' suppressed now. '
' '
' + + + '
' '
' Feel free to use this code whenever you need it. '
' For questions (or advices) don't hesitate to e-mail me. '
' '
' Code by: Christian Germelmann '
' 35039 Marburg - Germany '
' CompuServe 100520,2644 '
' '
Option Explicit
Const GWW_HINSTANCE% = (-6)
Const GWW_HWNDPARENT% = (-8)
Declare Function GetModuleFileName% Lib "KERNEL" Alias "#49" (ByVal hModule%, ByVal lpFilename$, ByVal nSize%)
Declare Function GetWindowWord% Lib "USER" Alias "#133" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%)
' ***************************************************
' * If you are puzzled by the 'Alias' just scip it: *
' ***************************************************
'Declare Function GetModuleFileName% Lib "KERNEL" (ByVal hModule%, ByVal lpFilename$, ByVal nSize%)
'Declare Function GetWindowWord% Lib "USER" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%)
' '
' Adds the backslash where it is needed. '
' '
Function Backslash$ (FilePath$)
If Right$(FilePath, 1) = "\" Then
Backslash = FilePath
Backslash = FilePath + "\"
End If
' **********************************************************************
' * DO NOT USE this variation: it alters the FilePath-value itself !!! *
' * (--> unless you definitely want this, of course !) *
' **********************************************************************
' '
' If Right$(FilePath, 1) <> "\" Then FilePath = FilePath + "\" '
' '
' '
' ******************************************************************
' * In case you definitely want this, you'd rather use a SUB like: *
' ******************************************************************
' '
' Sub Backslash (FilePath$) '
' '
' If Right$(FilePath, 1) <> "\" Then FilePath = FilePath + "\" '
' '
' End Sub '
' '
End Function
' *****************************************************************
' * This function gleans whether the application runs under *
' * VB (development environment) or not. *
' *****************************************************************
Function IsVBenviron% ()
Dim hModule%, FileBuffer$, NumberOfBytes%, ModuleFileName$, AppFileName$
' *************************************************************
' * retrieve the filename of the (this !) running application *
' * via API *
' *************************************************************
' get the instance handle of the module that owns the given window
hModule = GetWindowWord(Forms(0).hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
' preset the buffer that receives the null-terminated filename
FileBuffer = Space$(128)
' retrieve the full path and filename of the executable file
' from which the specified module was loaded
' --> In VB environment this is the full VB.EXE path
' (or - not in VB environment - the app's full path)
NumberOfBytes = GetModuleFileName(hModule, FileBuffer, Len(FileBuffer))
ModuleFileName = Left$(FileBuffer, NumberOfBytes)
' ***************************************************************
' * let the running application retrieve its filename by itself *
' * via VB command *
' ***************************************************************
' Assemble the full application path using 'App.Path' and 'App.EXEName'
AppFileName = Backslash((App.Path)) + App.EXEName + ".EXE"
' *************************************************************
' * compare the filenames finally: *
' * In case they are NOT identical we are in VB environment *
' * (make sure: set both filenames to the same case) *
' *************************************************************
' So it doesn't matter whether VB.EXE has a different filename
' (as you now: you can launch a second VB instance by simply renaming VB.EXE !)
IsVBenviron = (UCase$(ModuleFileName) <> UCase$(AppFileName))
' Additionally... '
' You could save a few bytes if you exchange the following lines: '
' (I didn't write them above to make the code better to understand) '
' '
' >> ModuleFileName = Left$(FileBuffer, NumberOfBytes-4) '
' >> AppFileName = Backslash((App.Path)) + App.EXEName '
End Function
' '
' IDENTICAL with 'IsVBenviron' but without any comment !!!'
' --> So you can see how short this routine really is. '
' (when using later, remove the 'XYZ' again) '
' '
Function IsVBenvironXYZ% ()
Dim hModule%, FileBuffer$, NumberOfBytes%, ModuleFileName$, AppFileName$
hModule = GetWindowWord(Forms(0).hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
FileBuffer = Space$(128)
NumberOfBytes = GetModuleFileName(hModule, FileBuffer, Len(FileBuffer))
ModuleFileName = Left$(FileBuffer, NumberOfBytes - 4)
AppFileName = Backslash((App.Path)) + App.EXEName
IsVBenvironXYZ = (UCase$(ModuleFileName) <> UCase$(AppFileName))
End Function